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Download Free Trial. Rate This Project Login To Rate This Project. User Reviews. Be the first to post a review of Facebook Php SCript! Additional Project Details Registered 2017-03-27 Report inappropriate content. Recommended Projects. A free file archiver for extremely high compression. Weisber – Craft Beer, Brewery and Beer Pub WordPress Theme created especially for beer company, craft brewery, beer pub,restaurant, alcohol company, beer shop,tavern, bar, brewers and others.

  • angular easyfb
    Super easy AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.
  • BAMG
    BAMG! is an chrome extension that allows you to control your browser only using your voice. So far, it is only usable on Facebook, but we will make it available on other social networks soon.
  • bigpipe
    Bigpipe is radical new web framework for Node.js, it's heavily inspired by the Facebook's Bigpipe concept.
  • ci facebook comment
    Intregrate Facebook comment in your CodeIngniter easly with the module TEQ_Facebook Component by TequilaRapido.
  • cmfbsub
    Easily add Campaign Monitor subscribe forms to your Facebook pages.
  • cyty
    A simple quote database powered by Facebook Connect.
  • d00dlr
    A Node.js / Facebook app that allows one to draw on Photos and repost to Facebook.
  • embedly tutorial ext
    Creating a Facebook like URL submission tool with Embedly.
  • everyauth
    node.js auth package ( password , facebook, & more) for Connect and Express apps.
  • facebook 3d
    A 3D facebook world.
  • facebook analyzer
    A few tools to parse and analyze a downloaded Facebook account.
  • facebook bookmarklets
    A collection of Facebook bookmarklet utilities.
  • facebook friend picker
    Widget for picking facebook friends.
  • facebook friend selector
    A jQuery plugin, and accompanying CSS , to emulate the Facebook dialogs used to select or tag friends.
  • facebook js bridge
    A library that bridges Flash or Silverlight to the Facebook Javascript SDK.
  • facebook lite
    Lightweight JavaScript SDK for the Facebook API.
  • facebook node sdk
    Node.js SDK for the Facebook API.
  • facebook password
    Educating people not to share their Facebook password on the internet!.
  • facebook photo likes
    Find the top 3 people who like your photos !.
  • Facebook Photo Zoom for Safari
    A Safari Extension to zoom photo thumbnails on Facebook.
  • facebook plugin
    A simpler Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap) plugin to access the native Facebook SDK on iOS and Android.
  • facebook stub
    Dropin Facebook Javascript API Stub for testing.
  • facebook testuser manager
    A manager for Facebook API test users.
  • facebook webos sdk
    Unofficial Facebook SDK for WebOS, instructions showing up on my blog post below.
  • facebook winjs sdk sample
    facebook winjs sdk sample.
  • facebookappli04
    Facebook Open Graph Sample.
  • facebox
    Facebook style lightbox, built in jQuery.
  • facehold.it
    An image placeholder service using random Facebook profile photos.
  • FacePAD Photo Jacker Photo Album Downloader for Facebook
    Photo Jacker (f.k.a. FacePAD), known as the Photo Album Downloader for Facebook, allows you to download entire Facebook albums with a click of a button. This program was shutdown by Facebook. Video tutorial: http://video.photojacker.com/.
  • facyBox
    A jQuery based, Facebook/Fancybox style lightbox which can display images , divs, or entire remote pages. Based on fancybox.net and famspam.com/facebox.
  • fakebook
    Simple Facebook platform simulator, to aid in developing Facebook canvas apps offline.
  • fb add pagetab url generator
    A tool to generate 'Add page tab' URLs for Facebook applications.
  • fb canvas app
    Facebook canvas application sandbox.
  • fb likes
    show all the 'likes' a user has in common with his friend. Used Facebook JS SDK. I hosted this on http://fb likes demo.heroku.com.
  • fb photo album downloader
    A handy google chrome extension to download photos from your facebook albums or your friends' albums in a single click.
  • fbgraph
    NodeJs lib to access the facebook graph api.
  • fbQuery
    Facebook Easy Access JS SDK.
  • fburl2id
    Facebook URL to FacebookId.
  • flask facebook login
    Using Flask with the Facebook JavaScript SDK and jQuery.
  • flickr2facebook
    flickr2facebook is a javascript bookmarklet which allows you to easily post flickr photos to facebook.
  • flipboard Facebook View
    A modified version of Flipboard Layout that allows you to view your facebook wall.
  • FSW
    Facebook SDK Wrapper a JavaScript library providing a more consistent interface to the Facebook JS SDK.
  • HTML5 PolaroidProfile
    Tool to Convert Facebook Profile Pictures to 'polaroid' esque Photos.
  • jmb comments
    JMB Comments plugin allows to add comments form in the article of the following social networks and extensions: JComments, Komento, VKontakte, Facebook, Disqus.
  • jPanelMenu
    A jQuery plugin that creates a paneled style menu (like the type seen in the mobile versions of Facebook and Google, as well as in many native iPhone applications).
  • JQ Image Drag
    jQuery Image Drag plugin like Facebook Cover Picture.
  • jquery facebook multi friend selector
    A jQuery based Alternative Facebook Multi Friend Selector that uses the Graph API.
  • jQuery Facebook Photo Selector
    A JavaScript plugin to create a Facebook photo selector.
  • JQuery Mobile Slide Menu
    A sliding menu similar to Facebook and Path's approach to menu design on mobile. This is a JQuery Mobile example. DEMO URL below:.
  • jquery tokeninput
    Tokeninput is a jQuery plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on facebook.
  • LightBulb
    Project LightBulb is a wrapper on top of Facebook's own JS SDK and Graph API to simplify developing applications using Graph API. You dont need to worry about underlying objects, structures, workflows. Just use it to develop your Facebook Applications and shout 'Light Bulb' :).
  • MASlidingMenu
    A BETA facebook / path style sliding menu for iOS and Android ( Android is still in progress).
  • ngFacebook
    Facebook SDK wrapper for AngularJS Apps.
  • node express everyauth facebook example
    Example usage of Node.JS, Express, Mongoose, and EveryAuth to login/connect with facebook.
  • node facebook graph
    [DEPRECATED] Facebook Node.js SDK.
  • PayItForward Browser
    Sample application demonstrating the JavaScript library: data storage, login with Facebook, caching and offline saving.
  • Photo Contest
    Photo Contest Facebook Application.
  • Photo Doodler
    Photo Doodler lets you collaboratively doodle on your Facebook photos. Annotate, draw, or just doodle and then share it with your friends!.
  • Picopy
    Copy photos between photo sites (currently supports Google+/Picasa to Facebook).
  • PixelStir
    Facebook photo uploading application.
  • powereditor
    An HTML5 based application for managing Facebook ads.
  • Pusher chat jQuery plugin
    Pusher Chat jQuery plugin, is a Facebook like chat using Pusher API.
  • rails template facebook
    Rails project starting point: authlogic user login, registration, facebook connect, password remind, haml, sass. Polish language.
  • sencha SlideNavigation
    Sliding side menu for Sencha Touch apps. Inspired by Facebook's mobile app menu.
  • silver
    An MVC framework for Titanium SDK that gives you a Facebook alike app on both iOS and Android.
  • Snap.js
    A Library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs in Javascript (Facebook and Path style side menus).
  • Social Bubble
    A HTML5 app using < canvas > to explore human expression on FaceBook in less than 10k of code.
  • social map
    displays the network of your Facebook friends on google maps.
  • sociogram
    A sample application exploring the Facebook SDK and the Graph API.
  • sociogram mobile
    Starter Kit Application for PhoneGap/Facebook integration.
  • test restify passport facebook
    Short example implementation of passport facebook and restify working together.
  • ti yet another slider menu
    An sample 'Facebook' style slider for Titanium.
  • titanium android facebook photoshare
    Android Facebook photo sharing application.
  • titanium facebook slide menu
    Example of how to implement a facebook like sliding menu in appcelerator's titanium mobile.
  • TitaniumShareVia Android
    Titanium script to share contents (text or images) via Facebook or native Intents.
  • xo
    Real time multiplayer five in a row Facebook game.
  • Zepto Mobile Slide Menu
    A neat example of a sliding drawer menu similar to Facebook or Path using Zepto.js and hardware accelerated CSS.

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for(vari=scriptsCollection.length-1;i >= 0;i--){
videoData: videoData
paramsObjects: [paramsObject],

commented May 9, 2017

como usa este script?

commented Jul 29, 2017

very nice, you should add the userscript header and post it on greasyfork

commented Jul 30, 2017

I've created a simpleAPI and a command line tool for the same thing in Node.
Sharing it, just in case if anyone cares -

  • fbvideosapi
  • fbdlcli

Script Download Free

MoviesCode Script 2016 For Facebook Free Download

commented May 1, 2018


Hm, it doesn't seem to work anymore. At least it doesn't find any <script> that contains the 'video_ids' string for me, so the regexp never evaluates.

Code Script 2016 For Facebook free. download full

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